Incentive Services proudly supports Urban Ventures.
Urban Ventures is one of the charitable organizations we support with time and financial assistance. Members of our Incentive Services team volunteer weekly to assist in Urban Ventures after school academic tutoring programs.
Urban Ventures is more than an after school center, it’s a progressive urban campus dedicated to changing the lives of its kids and it truly is all about the kids. From sports and recreation programs, to enhancing opportunities for academic success, and job training through technology mentoring programs, Urban Ventures continues to aggressively reach out to a community in need, to kids in need, and it’s working.

Urban Ventures has been serving the Central and Phillips neighborhoods in South Minneapolis for over 24 years. Urban Ventures provides programs after school and in the evenings to keep kids off the streets, to do better in school, and just to have fun in a safe environment.
They also have family programs to help moms and dads. Urban Ventures programs are open to all, and include a great ethnic mix that represents the neighborhood in which Urban Ventures serves.
The Urban Ventures Learning Lab is a year round comprehensive academic enrichment program for students from Kindergarten to 8th grade. The labs primary goal is to empower today’s youth to become tomorrow’s leaders through academic excellence and personal growth.
Students are provided academic assistance from licensed teachers, nutritious meals, transportation, sports clinics and tutoring all for free.
Incentive Services is happy to be a part of what Urban Ventures is doing in our community. Incentive Services contribution of time and resources to Urban Ventures is one of the ways we invest in the future of our community while seeing the results of reinforcing academic excellence and personal growth.